If you also need some extra photos for a project you’re working on, take a look at our guide for the best free stock photos. We’ve collected the most ideal tools to help you turn good photos into great ones. It doesn’t matter if you’re just trying to adjust a photo before sharing it with friends or are using your laptop for photography. If you’re hoping to just do some simple edits like crop or straighten a picture, there are other, simpler options gathered here. Some potential users might find that overkill, however. Additionally, you can even open and edit Photoshop’s PSD documents.

It’s open-source, comes with more features than plenty of paid-for options, like plugins, masks, and layers, and is probably as close to Adobe’s offerings as you can get.

GIMP is our current top pick if you’re looking for a free editor. Though professionals might gravitate towards something as robust as Adobe Photoshop for all their photo-related needs, you can find some fantastic editors that are completely free.